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By Jim Buhs

If you're a complete newbie to forex trading, then I strongly recommend taking the time to learn how to trade instead of using a forex signal service.

I know using forex signal alerts seems like the easier way of trading forex, but very few forex traders who have become successful have taken the easy way out. They took the time to learn their craft.

After all how do you know the signals you are getting is from a forex trader who knows what they are doing. It's a quick way to lose money, especially considering you don?t know how to adjust to a volatile drawdown.

Let's just say that the signal service is legitimate and they make good calls that lead to steady profits. What happens if they decide they don't want to offer the signal service any longer?

Where does that leave you? It leaves you back in the beginning. You haven't taken the time to learn anything about forex trading, because all your trades have been coming from another person.

Now you have to figure out what to do. You can go and try another signal service and hope they are halfway decent or you could take the time to actually learn about forex currency trading.

Learning how to properly trade forex isn't as difficult as many people would make it out to be. It seems more complex because there is so much misinformation out there. But there are many successful traders who were even self taught.

The biggest two things that usually get in the way are fear and greed. Those can absolutely destroy an account. If you don't know what you're doing and you're not comfortable taking trades, then that's where the fear comes in.

If you're too overconfident then, that's where greed comes in. You have to be able to find a happy medium. But when you do, it's nothing but smooth sailing.

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