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By Jim Buhs

If you want an honest forex trading education, you've got to stop whatever it is you're doing, if you are struggling. Learning is not as complicated as people make it out to be.

I know it doesn't feel that way when you scour the internet. Everybody is talking about finding the holy grail. They're busy looking for some kind of system that is right 100% of the time. Look, if you're looking for some thing like this just stop! It doesn't exist.

You need to stop scouring every thread that is on a forex forum. I know you're looking for the perfect indicator, but it's not going to be there.

This is the exact reason why 95% of forex traders end up losing money trading the forex market. They go for all these kind of shortcuts, when all they are doing is just hindering their process.

You want to know how to trade forex, stop following the sheep. Think about what it is that you're doing. Do I want to be just like everybody else, who is just hoping to be part of that 5% successful crowd, or am I just going to keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

Whenever you put in one of these indicators that you find in any forex forum, you need to ask yourself, does this help me better understand the market? Does it give me a deeper comprehension as to why market price moves the way it does or is it something that is just taking up space?

I'll be that all those indicators are good for is just to cause more disorder and muddle up your charts even further.

if you want to help yourself, get rid of all the indicators, short cuts, and anything else you can find scrounging the internet. When you can do that, thing s suddenly become clearer. You be able to start predicting the future price movements.

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