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By Ray Lam

Don't we all want expert staff available for us at all times, anytime. Preferably, the forex trading platform will have an account service manager working closely with traders. The perfect forex trading platform should have customer service staff that speak with forex traders over the phone, over e-mail, or over an advanced online CHAT system.

The spread is the difference between the bid price and the ask price for the currency being traded. The broker adds this spread onto the price of the trade and keeps it as their fee for trading. So you can consider this as a hidden commission.

One good thing about the spread is you pay it when you buy and not when you sell. A trading of 4 pips vs. 5 pips makes a difference of 25% on your trading costs! This makes the point clear why you would need a low spread Forex trading platform.

The popular currency pairs like the EUR/USD or GBP/USD typically have the lowest spreads. Some brokers offer different spreads for different types of accounts. A low spread Forex trading platform may not offer good mini trading and may have higher spreads than a full contract account. Obviously the smaller the spread on currency pairs the better the conditions for you as investor and trader.

You will find many online sites offering different platforms for Forex trading. Through these platforms you can actually buy or sell the Forex. You will have to identify a low spread Forex trading platform from them. A good Forex trading platform shows live prices that you can actually trade at, and not indicative quotes. The low spread Forex trading platform should be fair and should let you know the actual prices so that you can have an idea of the spread.

A forex broker providing transparent services is a worthwhile choice for any forex trader. All costs associated with the trading platform and trading account in general should be disclosed up front. Integrity means not having to pay any hidden commission charges or fees for making deposits and withdrawals. Bank costs that are part of doing business as a forex dealer are not passed on to the forex trader. Beware of any service provider that does not provide sufficient firewall protection and some sort advanced SSL for user authentication and data transfer.

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